An exhibition of
British Giants and related figures. The exhibition has now closed.
It was a great success. Over 7000 paying visitors saw the exhibition and a great many schoolchildren saw it free of charge. We haven't worked out quite how many children, at peak times over 260 were visiting the exhibition in a single day.
The exhibition was followed on April 22nd 2000 by a parade of giants including several of the giants on display. At least another 1000 people saw the parade despite rain and wind which obliged us to reduce the duration of the parade and the number of giants taking part. Two brand new giants paraded with us, Joe from Hardyes School and Eli from Portland.
Giants on display included:
For more information:
email: The Dorset County Museum
email: The Dorchester Giants
telephone +44 (0)1305 262735
Site designed by Derek Moody.
Last updated 14th May 2000